Are you Ready?

Life after Death

1 Chronicles 22:5b, “So David made abundant preparations before his death.”
I know it sounds a bit morbid, but the truth is, we must always be ready to die. Over 151,000 people die every day, and unless we experience the rapture – – one of these days we too will be part of that 151,000!
We must always be ready and guard ourselves from the thought that it won’t happen to me, because it can happen to any of us, anytime (James 4:14).
I was reading a chart on the odds of a person dying based on age and gender – I found it fascinating. If you’d like to check out the odds, I’ve provided a link below, but keep in mind that odds are not gods, and the one living God has already circled the day of our departure on His calendar ‘cuz we all have an appointment with death (Hebrews 9:27). 
Question: What will we leave behind and what are we looking forward to?
David is a great example for us in the way he made “abundant preparations before his death” (let’s take some time to ponder that concept). 
You probably know the story, how David had it in his heart to build a temple for God – but he wasn’t allowed to because he’d been a man of war. God chose David’s son Solomon instead – but David didn’t get bitter, he got better and did all that he could to help his son and the nation of Israel to have a place where they could honor the Lord, David invested into their spiritual lives. What about us, what are we leaving behind for both family and flock?
And what are we looking forward to – Heaven or Hell? With or without God? (see Revelation 20:11-15). Not everyone goes to heaven, only those who are prepared by placing their faith in Jesus Christ. David was a true believer, he was ready to die, he knew he was going to heaven (Psalm 23:6)…how about us?
So…beloved, buy life insurance, settle those differences with loved ones, say what needs to be said, and do what needs to be done. Leave godly things behind and look forward to God ahead – ‘cuz at the end of the day, it’s not until we’re ready to die, that we’re actually ready to live.
Your brother in Christ,
– Manny 
Odds of Dying – Link

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