My High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure
On September 30, 2008 I was diagnosed with extremely high blood pressure (170/100).
At first I wasn’t going to mention this in my blog, but after talking this over with the Lord, I sensed it was something He wants me to chronicle.  This blog is for God’s glory, and this diagnosis is something He is using in my life.
I’m not sure (from a physical standpoint) why my blood pressure is so high (I have another appointment on the 23rd).  My cholesterol levels are good, and I don’t “feel” stressed; I’m only slightly overweight (I’ve shed 7 pounds in the last 2 weeks).  The doctor says it might be genetic (hereditary).
What I am sure of, however, is that God has used this to speak volumes to my heart, here’s a few things off the top of my head.
1. I need to live every day as if it were my last (the doctor said my condition is “dangerous”).
2. I need to appreciate so much more, the life, the love, the family, the people I have been so graciously surrounded with.
3. I need to slow down, take walks (talks) with the family, and in a holy way, enjoy every moment God gives.
This whole thing is an answer to prayer…I have always wanted “more of God in my life.”   It’s sad to say, but such a desire usually requires trials, wake-up calls; our world needs to be rocked.
“Thank You Lord. Please have Your hand on my heart.”
“So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” – Psalm 90:12

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